Every generation has its own classics. "Naruto" belongs to the children of the 80s and 90s. They grew up with the protagonists in the anime, witnessed each other's progress together, and left a deep bond with each other. In order to satisfy customers' sexual fantasies about the characters in the anime, Tuberosedoll recommends this Haruno Sakura anime sex doll to you. She is produced by FunWest and uses TPE material to perfectly reproduce the appearance of Haruno Sakura when she grows up. The hair color, clothing, ninja tools, etc. are consistent with the anime. Even the private parts of Sakura that cannot be seen in the comics have been restored to an attractive but not exaggerated appearance. Compared with other comic sex doll manufacturers, Funwest Doll carefully provides clothes for the sex dolls in the picture. This is one of the reasons why Funwest Doll is so popular all over the world.